...early 1900's advertisement...

...early 1900's advertisement...
...from Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What's in a name? Second time around...

The last month, I have spent hours on geneaology websites, digging out details on family members.  Georgie was my start, but as I would come to a dead end, I would go back and play with my mother's side of the family.  I had DAR lineage through her paternal line, but had always had trouble finding any information on her mother, always known as Odessa.  Come to find out through a friend's help, she was Georgia Odessa Jackson but had dropped the Georgia when she married.  Georgie (maybe even Georgia) Gordon MacGillivray was born about 1876.  Georgia Odessa Jackson was born in 1896.  Interesting coincidence?  Just how popular was that name?  If you go to http://www.ssa.gov/ , you can put in a name and find out just how popular it was over your chosen range of dates.  Or you can put in a year, and get the 100 most popular baby boy and baby girl names for that particular year.....add that to you list of trivia......